About Me

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I am a mom, friend, teacher, household engineer, chaufer, photgrapher, and someday a writer. Welcome to my life!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Will Spring Ever Come...

Well I had an interesting trip home from work yesterday...Rain, sleet, fog, snow and slushy roads oh yeah and don't forget the thunder....I think old man winter forgot that spring is here...where I saw grass is now a foot of the white stuff...and it is still falling and blowing...suprisingly, I don't think it is too cold out, thankfully. I knew at 6:30 there was no school where I work and the girl's school day was cancelled by 8:00.  I don't know, what do you think is March going out like a lamb or lion?????
When my oldest daughter got up this morning she comes running in my room "Mom its 7:56 we are gonna be late!!!" I looked at her and told her that school's cancelled and then said "Oh" turns around and crawls back in bed.....hmm...typical teenager...haven't heard from her since. 

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sunshine.....Daylight Savings.....Means one step closer to Spring!!!

I woke up this morning expecting the wind and snow we have had for the last two days.  I'm so ready for spring. It is sunny out....FINALLY!  It is also Sunday and I was hoping to sleep in a bit. Well, Megan my dog who thinks she is a kid had other plans. Just like a little kid she stood beside my bed and in my face. I want to go outside, I NEEED to go outside NOWWWW....Get UPPPPP. I look in the room across the hall and sure enough both of my daughters are sound asleep looking all sweet and innocent. So i get out of bed and drag myself down stairs and go outside with her. Megan does her job and sees a bird...Oh NO YOU DON'T...I holler at her and we come in. I snuggle up in my bed with my book and a half hour later we are back outside again. Gotta love dogs.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Welcome to my crazy life!!!!

Hi everyone....I'm Kris and I am welcoming you to my crazy life. I am a mom to 4 wonderful but very entertaining kids. Also in this sometimes chaotic family is our dog Megan who seems to think she is a kid instead of a dog and then there is Jersey our insane cat who i swear has major issues. I am also a teacher. I love what I do and couldn't have chosen a better career. There is rarely a dull moment in my life. Soooo I hope you enjoy a day in my shoes.